Friday, January 14, 2011

A Wondrous Feeling

As some can see, WDW Kids has gotten a brand new look. I call it the "pixie dust" background, or something similar to it. I hope you like it!

I'm listening to something right now that makes me happy, and I realized I haven't touched at all on the wonderful music and soundtracks that fill our ears and mind at all of the Disney theme Parks. My favorite music doesn't even live on my iPod (at least not yet), but in my mind, and a bit of Youtube. Lately, I've been listening to a soundtrack video of background music played at Epcot, and I'm enjoying it as I write this, work on English papers, and other school projects. Just hearing the theme songs to the park make me giddy and joyful inside...and it's the one thing that can take me from sad, angry or down to happy, bright and cheerful.

We all have songs like this, and many of them are the wonderful Songs that Disney has created for us to enjoy throughout the theme parks. Some of them...many of them, bring back memories of lost attractions, such as Horizons, or Kitchen Kabaret, both of with I love to listen to. Its amazing to know that parts of those are still there, even since the attraction has closed many years ago. It fills up that space in-between our visits to the magical world, and for a few minutes, it can seem like you are halfway there, since that happy wondrous feeling is back...just as it is when you are walking down Main Street, or underneath Spaceship Earth.

I'm sure I'll touch even more on the wonderful music that Disney has created, but for now, I leave you with a bit of Epcot...Enjoy.

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Friday, January 7, 2011

The First Impression[s]

When we all first arrive somewhere that we want to be, what do you think? Is it, "Oh My Gosh, I'm here!" or maybe "Look at that!". Sure we all have out different opinion on what we think when we first get to that place, but I'll tell you about my first "impression" everytime I come to Disney World.

Whenever I come to Disney World, I have the same thought everytime I come. Maybe not as much now as what I used to, but its similar each time. When I was very little my parents would wake me up early in the morning, often at around 3 or 4 AM, so we could drive to the airport, drop our van off with a friend, and go to get on the plane. I would be so exciting to walk through the Chicago airport and see all the lights, or to finally liftoff the ground in the airplane, and then sleep most of the way to Florida, other than to eat a cookie or drink a soda.

Finally we would land in Florida, and the one thing I remember loving the most was hearing the sound of our luggage running over the tile floors in the Orlando Airport. Why, I have no idea, but I just loved to hear that sound. Then came the drive that seemed to take longer than it should, but it was also the shortest drive I've ever been on. Soon enough we would drive through the gates to Disney World, and I wouldn't celebrate yet. I would hardly notice them. It was when I finally saw the first glimpse of Spaceship Earth that I always knew that I was finally on vacation. Not sitting in school or at home, I was finally there. Spaceship Earth has always been my favorite ride, and always the first my family will go on when we travel to Disney, since it was the first Disney ride I was ever on (at the young age of 1). The sights, smells, and especially the sounds of EPCOT would surround me, and I would be happy as I walked into that park, because finally, after a year of waiting, I was home.

Sunday, January 2, 2011

A Very "Tangled" Perspective

Well I can't say that I didn't like the newest Disney movie "Tangled" because I loved it. I can easily say that Rapunzel and Flynn (Eugene) Ryder are my two newest favorite Disney characters, and probably will be for quite some time. This movie was quite obsessive for me, in fact, I saw it twice. The only other movie I've seen twice in theaters like that was Disney Pixar's "Cars" which I saw at least two (maybe three) times in a theater. It bothers me that I must wait months to see it again.

Tangled was, easier said than done, the perfect Disney movie. You had the main characters, Rapunzel and Flynn, both very strong and independent characters, the sub-characters Maximus and Pascal, who on their own, will be very popular, the villain, one of the best, Mother Gothel, and the classic storyline with a twist. Not to mention that 70 ft of long golden locks that Rapunzel wears throughout the movie and the frying pan that seems to be more of a character than all the thugs put together (it had its own animator). The classic Disney princess love story is there, with a beautiful lantern scene worth watching, the adventure, which is there all the time, the humor, I must say I've never seen a Disney movie more funny than this (other than maybe the Pixars), and finally, the amazing music and soundtrack. Overall, Tangled was amazing, and even with the name changes that made many mad, I think it made a good change, it made it different from the other princess stories, and in theory, it was much different from other princess stories.

For instance, Princess Jasmine (Aladdin) wasn't the "main" character in the movie, but eventually ends up falling in love with Aladdin and Aladdin becomes the prince. The movie had a princess in it, but wasn't classified as a "Princess movie" because Jasmine wasn't the main character. In Cinderella, the main character is...well, Cinderella, and follows the stories much like Snow White or Sleeping Beauty. Tangled on the other hand, isn't just about a princess (although Flynn does say it is at the beginning), its about Flynn too, and the journey that the two travel together. Its a Princess movie that isn't a "princess movie" and so, Tangled fits perfectly. Rapunzel wouldn't classify the movie as well, because that's just not the kind of movie it is. Princess and the Frog in 2009 proved that boys in particular didn't want to see a movie that started with "Princess", even though the movie had a very prominent cast of male characters. Tangled will be known as a classic for many years, no matter what the name is, and I highly suggest you see it if you can before it goes out of theaters, and if you are not able to, buy it on DVD for sure.